Episode 93

Published on:

9th May 2024

Super evolution: Then, now and what’s to come

There will be 25% less super funds in Australia in five years’ time, overseeing $5 trillion in assets. In 25 years, the number of funds will have halved again, and they’ll be the stewards of some $14 trillion. They’re the top-line predictions of Mercer’s inaugural Shaping Super report which looks at the state of our super system, how it’s evolving, and what super funds need to do to survive. Financial Standard managing editor Jamie Williamson is joined by the report’s lead author, Mercer principal Richard Dunn, and superannuation consulting leader Tim Jenkins to discuss the findings.

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Financial Standard Podcast
Take the lead.
The weekly Financial Standard podcast covers the latest developments in finance, investment trends, and economics that are shaping the future of Australia’s wealth management landscape by talking to leading professional voices in Australia and from around the world. Brought to you by Financial Standard. Take the lead.